Top Interview Tips
Preparing for an interview will be a very tough task. Having come face to face with a person who can determine an important step in their career is not something to be taken lightly. Our interview experts commonly acknowledged these tips and helpful hints to successful interviews. Preparing is the first
and most important tip for interviewers. You must practice your resume and review the common questions interviewers will ask. This shows confidence as well as professionalism. Another major tip for interviewers is professionalism. Recruiters would rather see you overdress than underdress for an interview. As a basic rule of thumb, it’s better to over prepare if you are unsure about the dress code. Another recommended tip for those preparing for an interview is your attitude. Showing enthusiasm and a desire to work for the company will surely go a long ways especially when the position is meant for the long haul. As one recruiter we spoke to put it, "his resume was great but his lack of enthusiasm deterred us from hiring him." Simply put, show the recruiter why and how you feel about the company you are interviewing for.